The authentic celebration of Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, is recognized by the Catholic Church as the universal feast of All Souls’ Day on November 2. The Day of the Dead calls upon the Catholic understanding of death as having been vanquished by Christ, and through his conquest, the door to eternal life. Thus, it is a reminder that all of life on earth is really a preparation for death, and that in death, we will be reunited with all those who have gone on before us to eternal life.
Here at Most Holy Trinity Parish, we usually gather in the early evening at the Prayer Labyrinth to pray, meditate, sing, and remember. We build an altar with pictures of our loved ones who’ve passed to eternal life and light candles in their honor. And we celebrate their lives with a reception of pan dulce and hot chocolate.
This year, we won’t be gathering together at the parish but we will gather virtually and we’ll still pray, sing, light our prayer votives and remember. We’ll remember our loved ones and those in our country and all over the world who’ve been victims of Covid19. So, please join our virtual Dia de los Muertos Service anytime on Monday, November 2nd . You can find the service on our Most Holy Trinity website.