February 24, 2022
New Police on COVID at Most Holy Trinity
Dear friends,
Due to your diligence and support we have come through this tragic pandemic period very well. Your hard work and willingness to care for neighbor has been a real sign of the Holy Spirit in our midst. As you know we have been very strict on our mask requirements due to the Omicron variant and other issues that made relaxing our restrictions dangerous for everyone. However, the situation is changing dramatically for the better and we need to realize that with our policy.
Starting this Sunday, we are dropping the strict requirement for mask wearing. What this means is that I am asking you to continue to use that wonderful common sense that you have displayed for two years to protect each other. As a practical matter I am asking the following:
1 If you are fully vaccinated (hopefully boosted as well) and feeling well you do not need to wear a mask.
2 If you are not vaccinated, we urge you to continue to wear a mask for your safety and the safety of others.
3 If you are dealing with an immunodeficiency situation, we urge you to wear a mask.
4 If you are not ready to attend mass without a mask, that is fine. Wear a mask. No one is judging you for your decision.
5 If you are feeling sick, we ask you to stay at home until you are well.
6 We will continue to offer our full Covid protocol mass at 5:30pm on Saturday for people who are not ready to attend another mass.
7 We will still require for the time being that all Eucharistic ministers, and on Ash Wednesday, distributors of ashes to wear masks and be vaccinated.
Finally, this new protocol is based on the honor system. No one is going to test you. We are trusting that your love of community will take precedent and the Holy Spirit will guide you. Remember masks are strictly a form of safety, both for you and the care for community. It is my hope that we can finally begin to emerge to a new normal as we move forward together. For those who still need to use a mask or want to use a mask we will continue to provide masks and sanitizers.
Again, I want to thank all of you for your constant care for each other and the safety of our community. You have proven to be a model of faithful love to the entire diocese. So, give yourselves a hand. May God bless you all as we begin the sacred season of Lent.
Yours, Fr. Tom