April 14, 2020
Dear friends,
On Monday I was amazed to learn of the support that you gave to our parish during this grave time. As of this moment I have learned that we raised over $20,000 for Easter. I was dumbfounded and deeply moved by your support of our community.
Because of this I want to thank you for your support and love of our parish. It is a blessing beyond price. Not only were you able to support our community financially but we have also felt it prayerfully. The letters of support, the call to prayer and the responses to the liturgies have been profound and spiritual. For this I cannot thank you enough.
This support also reminds me again that we will get through this and we will reunite and celebrate as a community together. As best you can, I encourage you to continue as is feasible, the parish so we can complete this chapter in our faith lives and renew the spirit with each other.
Once again thank you for your amazing generosity and support of the parish.
– Fr Tom
April 14th 2020